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High-Resolution Analyses of Human Leukocyte Antigens Allele and Haplotype Frequencies Based on 169,995 Volunteers from the China Bone Marrow Donor Registry Program

Fig 4

Different distributions of region-specific HLA five-locus haplotypes in the seven geographic regions of China.

A: A*02:03-C*07:02-B*38:02-DRB1*16:02-DQB1*05:02 haplotype (the 20th haplotype); B: A*11:01-C*03:04-B*13:01-DRB1*16:02-DQB1*05:02 haplotype (the 31st haplotype); C: A*24:02-C*03:04-B*13:01-DRB1*15:01-DQB1*06:01 haplotype (the 81st haplotype); D: A*24:02-C*04:03-B*15:25-DRB1*12:02-DQB1*03:01 haplotype (the 68th haplotype); E: A*02:03-C*07:02-B*52:01-DRB1*14:04-DQB1*05:03 haplotype (the 79th haplotype); F: A*11:01-C*12:03-B*15:32-DRB1*15:04-DQB1*05:02 haplotype (the 95th haplotype); G: A*02:07-C*01:02-B*46:01-DRB1*14:54-DQB1*05:02 haplotype (the 18th haplotype); H: A*02:01-C*03:03-B*15:11-DRB1*15:01-DQB1*06:02 haplotype (the 94th haplotype); I: A*02:05-C*06:02-B*50:01-DRB1*07:01-DQB1*02:02 haplotype (the 40th haplotype).

Fig 4
