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mRNA Transfection of Mouse and Human Neural Stem Cell Cultures

Figure 4

mRNA Transfection of Human Neurospheres.

A-D: Human embryonic stem cell-derived neurospheres were transfected using LF2000 in suspension culture (A-B) or adherent monolayers (C) or using NEON electroporation (D) Micrographs were taken 24 hours after transfection. Scale bars indicate 250 µm. E: Human neurospheres were transfected with 500 ng of EGFP mRNA lipoplexes in 24 well plates. Two days after the first transfection, a second dose of lipoplexes was applied to the cultures. Transfection efficiencies were measured by flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy 72 hours after the first transfection. Flow cytometry plots show neurospheres receiving no lipoplexes (left panel), a single dose (middle panel) or two doses (right panel) of mRNA lipoplexes. Insets in E show fluorescence micrographs of human neurospheres.

Figure 4
