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P53 Family Members Modulate the Expression of PRODH, but Not PRODH2, via Intronic p53 Response Elements

Figure 4

Relative p53 occupancy levels at PRODH sites containing p53 REs.

ChIP-qPCR experiments were performed in: A. HCT116 p53+/+ cell line and its isogenic derivative HCT116 p53-/- (negative control), treated with DOXO or left untreated. The broken line indicates the level of p53 bound to the No Binding Site (NBS) after DOXO treatment in the HCT116 p53+/+ cells; B. the MCF7 cell line, treated with DOXO or left untreated. As a control for aspecific antibody binding, immunoprecipitation with IgG was also performed. The broken line indicates the enrichment of IgG immunoprecipitated material over the input, that represents the highest value obtained for the NBS negative control. The graphs show the binding of p53 to the genomic regions surrounding the REs in the PRODH gene, as well as the binding to a genomic region not containing a p53 RE (NBS), used as negative control, and to the genomic region containing the P21-5’ RE (positive control). Data shown are representative of two independent experiments and the values obtained are expressed as percentage of input.

Figure 4
