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Single-Nucleosome Mapping of Histone Modifications in S. cerevisiae

Figure 4

Nucleosome Modifications Relate to Nucleosome Position

(A) Analysis of differential modification for each class of nucleosomes. Rows correspond to specific modifications, and columns correspond to genomic locations. Each cell is coloured by the average modification level of nucleosomes with this annotation. Non-significant (using false discovery rate of 95% on t-test p-values) cells are blackened.

(B) Promoter nucleosomes (orange) significantly differ from coding region nucleosomes (pink) in their histone modifications pattern. The left panel shows the two types of nucleosomes as points in the plane, where the x-axis represents the level of the first principal component, and the y-axis represents the second principal component. The right panel shows the density within each class.

(C) Distinction between nucleosomes in transcribed regions. Colours denote 5′-end (red), middle (green), and 3′- end (blue) nucleosomes. Visualization is as described in (B).

Figure 4
