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Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in domestic cats imposes a narrow bottleneck

Fig 3

Frequency of iSNVs over time in each index and contact cat.

The frequency of iSNVs discussed in the results over time in all six cats are shown. All iSNVs over time are shown in S2 Fig and all indels over time are shown in S3 Fig. Each variant is colored by gene location. Nonsynonymous variants are plotted with solid lines and synonymous variants are plotted with dashed lines. Variants detected in index cats are denoted with squares and variants detected in contact cats are denoted with circles. Timepoints with viral loads too low to yield high quality sequences are shown by the gaps in data, but iSNVs are connected across these gaps using light lines for readability (i.e. cat 1 day 9). The dotted line at 50% frequency represents the consensus threshold.

Fig 3
