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Solanum lycopersicum GOLDEN 2-LIKE 2 transcription factor affects fruit quality in a light- and auxin-dependent manner

Fig 3

Phenotype, chlorophyll and tocopherol content of fruits.

Phenotype of fruits at IG5 stage from SlGLK2, au-SlGLK2 and Slglk2 genotypes. Scale bar = 1 cm (A). Chlorophyll (B) and total tocopherol (C) content in the pedicellar portion of fruits of wild-type (SlGLK2), Slglk2 and au-SlGLK2 mutant genotypes. Different letters indicate statistically significant values between genotypes within each stage (P < 0.05). Values represent mean ± SE of at least three biological replicates.

Fig 3
