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Dissecting Genomic Aberrations in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms by Multiplex-PCR and Next Generation Sequencing

Fig 3

JAK2 V617F allele burden differs in the indicated entities.

(A) Analysis of the JAK2 allele burden of JAK2 V617F positive MPN samples: ET n = 4, PV n = 17, MF n = 16. Black bars show the mean allele burden. The allele burden showed significant differences even in a small subgroup of MPN samples (see text). (B) Addressing only the MF samples (n = 16), pMF samples (7/16) had a significant lower allele burden compared to Post-PV-MF samples (8/16); # p<0–01 (T-Test), the one Post-ET-MF sample was not included in this analysis. (C) The extent of splenomegaly of the different MPN (ET, PV, MF) was different in indicated entities (presented in cm below costal margin), e.g. spleen size of Post-PV-MF was largest vs. PMF and PV (p<0.01, One-way ANOVA and LSD testing). (D) Relationship between JAK2 allele burden and spleen size. A higher allele burden was associated with a larger spleen in post-PV-MF (R2 = 0,1841) but not in PMF (R2 = 0,00002). Abbrevations in this figure are the same as used in the text.

Fig 3
