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Folate Receptor-α (FOLR1) Expression and Function in Triple Negative Tumors

Fig 3

Representative FOLR1 staining from breast cancer subtypes.

(A) benign breast tissue (B9) with negative staining (IHC score 0), (B) estrogen receptor positive invasive ductal carcinoma (ER+IDC) with negative staining (IHC score 0), (C) estrogen receptor positive invasive lobular carcinoma (ER+ILC) with negative staining (IHC score 0), (D) human epidermal growth factor receptor positive (HER2+) with strong 3+ staining (left core) and weak 1+ staining (middle/right cores), and (E) triple negative (TNBC) tumors with strong 3+ staining (left core) and moderate 2+ staining (middle/right cores).

Fig 3
