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Mycobacterium tuberculosis Multidrug Resistant Strain M Induces an Altered Activation of Cytotoxic CD8+ T Cells

Figure 3

M strain induces low expression of CD69 in CD8+ T cells.

A and B, Surface CD69 expression on CD8+ T cells from 18 h-cultured PBMC in 15 PPD+ N (A) and 7 PPDNEG N (B). C and D, Surface CD25 expression in CD8+ T cells from 5 days-cultured PBMC in 13 PPD+N (C) and 7 PPDNEG N (D). Results are expressed as %CD69+ and %CD25+ cells in the CD8+CD3+ T cells gate. Statistical differences: PBMC+Mtb strains vs. control PBMC * = p<0.05, among strains: § = p<0.05. E. PBMC from PPD+ N (n = 3) were cultured for 18 h alone (C) or with strains H37Rv, M or 410 with or without anti-CD3 and/or anti-CD28. Representative dot plots show the % of CD69+ cells in the CD3+CD8+ lymphocyte gate. F and G. PBMC from 6 PPD+ N were cultured alone or with Mtb strains and the %CD69+ (F) and %CD25+ (G) cells within the CD3+CD8+ lymphocyte gate was determined at different time points. Statistical differences, PBMC+Mtb strains vs. control PBMC: * = p<0.05, between strains: § = p<0.05.

Figure 3
