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Loss of Atrx Sensitizes Cells to DNA Damaging Agents through p53-Mediated Death Pathways

Figure 3

Sensitivity to 5-FU can be rescued by infection with Adenovirus-expressing Atrx.

(A) AdCre cells (black bars) were sensitive to 5-FU treatment compared to AdLacZ cells (white bars) at 18 and 72 hours. Co-infection with AdAtrx (plus AdATRX) could rescue the sensitivity to 5-FU treatment (0.5 mM, 18 hr). (B) Similarly, the sensitivity to 5-FU could be rescued by ablation of p53. Cells were isolated from Atrx flox, Atrx flox/p53 KO, or WT mice and infected with AdCre (black bars) or AdLacZ (white bars) prior to 5-FU treatment (0.5 mM, 18 hr). The graph plots the percentage of TUNEL positive cells for each experimental condition. Values correspond to the Mean ± SEM (n = 3). Statistically significant changes (p<0.05) are denoted by an asterisk.

Figure 3
