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Increased Adipogenesis in Cultured Embryonic Chondrocytes and in Adult Bone Marrow of Dominant Negative Erg Transgenic Mice

Figure 3

Microarray analysis and gene ontology analysis of signalling pathways.

A. Numbers of genes with differential expression between monolayer culture day 0 and day 20 in wt and DN-Erg embryo (E18.5) chondrocytes. Probe sets were filtered according to a 10-fold change cut-off. B. Hierarchical Clustering (HCl) diagram with clusters genes corresponding to the “extracellular matrix”, “metallopeptidase activity”, “Cartilage condensation and development”, “Ossification” annotations. C. Major signalling pathways predicted using Pathway-Express. Pathways listed are pathways with at least 5 or more genes which expression was modified during culture, as determined by Pathway Express. D. Hierarchical Clustering (HCl) tree with clusters of “Lipid metabolism process” and “Lipid transport” genes.

Figure 3
