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Identifiers for the 21st century: How to design, provision, and reuse persistent identifiers to maximize utility and impact of life science data

Fig 3

Contributions and roles related to content as they correspond to identifier creation versus identifier reuse.

The decision about whether to create a new identifier or reuse an existing one depends on the role you play in the creation, editing, and republishing of content; for certain roles (and when several roles apply) that decision is a judgement call. Asterisks convey cases in which the best course of action is often to correct/improve the original record in collaboration with the original source; the guidance about identifier creation versus reuse is meant to apply only when such collaboration is not practicable (and an alternate record is created). It is common that a given actor may have multiple roles along this spectrum; for instance, a given record in may reflect a combination of (a) corrections Monarch staff made in collaboration with the original data source, (b) post-ingest curation by Monarch staff, (c) expanded content integrated from multiple sources.

Fig 3
