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Development and Evaluation of Up-Converting Phosphor Technology-Based Lateral Flow Assay for Quantitative Detection of NT-proBNP in Blood

Fig 3

Stability of the UPT-LF assay.

The coefficient of variation for the detection results of the UPT-LF assay and the Roche Elecsys assay were all less than 10% under different sample storage conditions (a), and the bias between the two methods (b) were -0.8%, demonstrating the good stability and reproducibility of UPT-LF assay as Roche Elecsys assay. The significant correlation between the values derived form the EDTA-K2- and 40 heparin-anticoagulated plasma specimens (c) and the bias of 3.84% (d) proved that UPT-LF assay were scarcely affected by anticoagulants. the dotted lines represent the 95% limits of agreement.

Fig 3
