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Genome-Wide Detection of CNVs and Their Association with Meat Tenderness in Nelore Cattle

Fig 3

Overlap of the detected Nelore CNVRs with known cattle CNVRs.

A) The Venn diagram shows the genomic size in Mb that is overlapped. Known CNVRs listed in S3 Table were reduced to unique and non-overlapping CNVRs. The overlapped fraction of 79 Mb corresponds to 1,387 Nelore CNVRs. (B) For these 1,387 CNVRs, the histogram shows the number of CNVRs (y-axis) overlapping with known CNVRs by the percentage shown on the x-axis. For example, genomic locations of >700 Nelore CNVRs overlap individually >90% with genomic locations of known CNVRs.

Fig 3
