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Adaptation and Mal-Adaptation to Ambient Hypoxia; Andean, Ethiopian and Himalayan Patterns

Figure 3

Quantitative comparisons of gene expression in Andean and Himalayan altitude dwellers.

A. Controls in Peru altitude 4338 m. and Himalyan controls, on the Tibetan plateau in Ladakh, India, altitude 4450 m. B. CMS patients at the same altitudes as in A in Peru and in the Himalayas. C. Peruvian and Himalayan controls in normoxia. D. Peruvian and Himalayan CMS patients in normoxia. The genes compared in the 2 populations are: 1 = HIF-1a; 2 = HPH3; 3 = HIF-3a; 4 = VEGFC; 5 = PDK4; 6 = HIF2a; 7 = PDP2; 8 = PDK1; 9 = PDHE1a1; 10 = EPOR; 11 = PDP1; 12 = PDK3; 13 = HIF1b; 14 = PDK2; 15 = GLUT1; 16 = GAPDH; 17 = HPH1; 18 = EPO; 19 = HPH2. Interrupted lines span across genes not assayed. In ambient hypoxia all Himalayans (controls and CMS) had significantly higher gene expression when compared to Andeans except for HPH1. The differences between the groups, while normoxic, were not significant. (C. D.).

Figure 3
