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Ultra-deep massively parallel sequencing with unique molecular identifier tagging achieves comparable performance to droplet digital PCR for detection and quantification of circulating tumor DNA from lung cancer patients

Fig 2

Comparing mutation allele frequency quantified from plasma by ultra-deep MPS and ddPCR.

(A) Linear regression and Pearson’s correlation coefficients of VAFs in plasma samples as determined by ddPCR and ultra-deep MPS with unique molecular identifier tagging. VAFs of del19, L858R and T790M mutations in EGFR were analysed separately (blue, yellow and grey, respectively) and combined (red) to show that MPS achieved significant correlation with ddPCR. (B) Bland-Altman plots demonstrating the agreement between ultra-deep MPS and ddPCR in quantifying VAFs of the three mutation types in EGFR from plasma samples.

Fig 2
