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Multiple cyanotoxin congeners produced by sub-dominant cyanobacterial taxa in riverine cyanobacterial and algal mats

Fig 2

Anatoxin and microcystin/nodularin concentrations vary by site.

(A) Summed anatoxin (the total of the four congeners; anatoxin-a, homoanatoxin-a, dihydroanatoxin-a and dihydrohomoanatoxin-a); and (B) summed microcystins and nodularin-R from 10 replicate attached periphyton samples (n = 5 for Cladophora-dominated samples; 3_SFE_C). collected from each of four sites on the Eel River on 29 July 2018 and 9 attached periphyton samples from one site on the Russian River on 31 July 2018. Colours represent the dominant taxa in mats collected from each site. dw = dry weight. Note log scale on the y-axes. Lines within the boxes are medians, the ends of boxes are quartiles and whiskers extend to the lowest or highest data point ≤ 1.5 × the interquartile range. Black dots are outliers. A Kruskal-Wallis test and pairwise Wilcoxon rank sum test with a Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment was used to identify sites that were significantly different from one another (p <0.05), denoted by the letter above the plot. Dotted lines represent the analytical limit of quantitation and bold dashed lines the analytical limit of detection.

Fig 2
