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Identification of the sex-determining locus in grass puffer (Takifugu niphobles) provides evidence for sex-chromosome turnover in a subset of Takifugu species

Fig 2

A comparison of SNPs around exon 9 of the Amhr2 gene among four Takifugu species and between males and females.

Shown are the 24 SNP sites detected in the partial sequence of the Amhr2 gene (intron 8, exon 9, and intron 9). The association between the SNP7271 of the Amhr2 gene (flanked by yellow lines) and phenotypic sex is conserved among fugu (T. rubripes), T. poecilonotus and T. pardalis, as reported previously [26,33], but not in T. niphobles. Gray cells indicate that an individual is homozygous for the reference allele, blue cells indicate that an individual is homozygous for the alternative allele, and red cells indicate that an individual is heterozygous. White cells refer to deletions.

Fig 2
