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A High-Content Small Molecule Screen Identifies Sensitivity of Glioblastoma Stem Cells to Inhibition of Polo-Like Kinase 1

Figure 2

JNJ-10198402 induces mitotic arrest in GNS cells but not in normal NS cells.

(A) Segmentation of phase contrast images with high-content analysis software (CellProfiler & CellProfiler Analyst). Objects were assigned into different classes/bins. Interphase cells (blue) and mitoses (red; ‘i–iii’). Erroneously segmented debris or dead cells (green; ‘x’) are isolated and discarded from event counts. (B) Relative number of mitoses scored within 48 h from the start of the experiment for each line and all 160 inhibitors. (C) Kinetics of change in total cell number and mitosis for G179. J101 significantly increased the number of mitoses in G179, but not CB660, without parallel increases in cell number (top panel; blue dots), whereas cells with mitotic morphology increased dramatically during the first 1–2 days (bottom panel; red dots).

Figure 2
