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Involvement of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases BcPtpA and BcPtpB in Regulation of Vegetative Development, Virulence and Multi-Stress Tolerance in Botrytis cinerea

Figure 2

Comparisons in conidiation among 38B1, ΔBcPtpA-10, ΔBcPtpB-4, BcPtpA-5 and ΔBcPtpB-C1.

(A) Colony morphology of the wild-type strain 38B1 and the mutants on sterilized cucumber fragments. The photos were taken after 10 days of incubation on sterilized cucumber fragments. (B) Quantification of conidia for each strain. The conidia of 38B1, ΔBcPtpA-10, ΔBcPtpB-4, BcPtpA-5 and ΔBcPtpB-C1 were washed off from each PDA plate after 10 days of incubation, and were counted under a microscope. Bars denote standard errors from three replications. Values on the bars followed by the same letter are not significantly different at P = 0.05.

Figure 2
