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A Scalable System for Production of Functional Pancreatic Progenitors from Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Figure 2

Cellular composition of pancreatic differentiation runs.

(A) Flow cytometric analyses of representative d0 undifferentiated (left), and d2 DE populations (right), co-stained with anti-SOX17 and anti-FOXA2. The percentages of total intact double-positive cells are indicated. (B) Flow cytometric analysis of a d12 differentiated population (scaled differentiation run, Expt #21) co-stained with anti-CHGA, anti-NKX6-1 and anti-PDX1. The analyses were performed by first gating on the CHGA- population, then plotting NKX6-1/PDX1 expression. Percentages of total intact cells for each cell subset are indicated. (C) The cellular composition of PE (CHGA−/NKX6-1+/PDX1+/−), endocrine (CHGA+/NKX6-1+/−/PDX1+/−), PDX1-only endoderm (CHGA−/NKX6-1−/PDX1+) and residual (CHGA−/NKX6-1−/PDX1) populations for all 37 scaled differentiation runs (T: total, n = 49 analyses) and the selected processes (13C: Table S2 Expt #18–21, 25–30, 35–37. n = 17 analyses) are plotted. The 13C group of differentiation runs were all performed within an 11 month period. The box plots show the median, second and third quartile (box), max and min values for each data set. The means within each group were not statistically different. (D) Pancreatic composition of differentiation runs arranged by CyT49 cell bank: (left to right) RCB-D (n = 19), MCB3 (n = 6), MCB4 (n = 7), MCB5 (n = 3), RCB-Dw (n = 11) and WCB4B (n = 3). The mean ± SEM (%) for each population is indicated at the top. Statistically significant differences are indicated (*: p<0.01).

Figure 2
