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Conditionally Immortalized Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts Retain Proliferative Activity without Compromising Multipotent Differentiation Potential

Figure 2

The iMEFs exhibit higher proliferative activity than that of primary MEFs.

(A) and (B) Cell viability and proliferation assay by crystal violet staining assay. The same number of primary MEF and iMEF cells was seeded at a low density. Cells were stained with crystal violet at the indicated time points (A) and the viable and stained cells were dissolved for OD reading as previously described (B) [42]. (C) Cell proliferation assessed with MTT assay. The same cell number of primary MEFs and iMEFs was seeded at a low density. Cells were collected for MTT assay at the indicated time points. (D) Cell counting assay. The same number of primary MEF and iMEF cells was seeded at 20% confluence. Cells were trypsinized, stained with Trypan blue, and counted at the indicated time points. For all of the above assays, each assay condition was done in triplicate. The assays were repeated in at least two independent batches. Representative results are shown.

Figure 2
