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Clinical and virological impact of single and dual infections with influenza A (H1N1) and SARS-CoV-2 in adult inpatients

Fig 2

Participants’ Cycle Threshold Values from Nasopharyngeal Swabs, by age, symptoms and adverse events in patients co-infected by COVID-19 and H1N1.

Panel A, cycle threshold (Ct) values for SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR target probes N are plotted against the age of inpatients. Serious adverse events were marked by a triangle which was defined as the occurrence of liver failure, ARDS or admittance to ICU. Age was not significantly correlated with Ct values (correlation coefficient = -0.0751, P = 0.2065). Panel B, distributions of initial N probe Ct values among co-infected participants suffering from specific adverse event are displayed by violin plot. Dotted lines on upper and lower sides illustrate interquartile ranges, both ends of violin body illustrated 95% distributions, and medians are marked by the dotted line in the middle. Width of violin body referred to number of participants.

Fig 2
