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Evaluation of Candidate Stromal Epithelial Cross-Talk Genes Identifies Association between Risk of Serous Ovarian Cancer and TERT, a Cancer Susceptibility “Hot-Spot”

Figure 2

Gene map and LD plot of TERT-CLPTM1L locus and associated SNPs.

Colour scheme is based on r2 values in Haploview; white r2 = 0; shades of grey 0<r2<1; black r2 = 1. Block definition is based on the method of Gabriel et al [54]. (A) Gene map of SNPs genotyped in the discovery stage (underlined) relative to other TERT SNPs associated with cancer phenotypes (inset) and LD plot based on HapMap CEU samples. (B) Haploview plot of all TERT SNPs genotyped in 1,047 non-Hispanic White controls in our study; numbers in squares are pairwise r2 values between SNPs.

Figure 2
