


A Obesidade Infantil no Brasil E Sua Prevalência nos Tempos (Pré) Pandêmicos da Covid-19

( Vol-8,Issue-8,August 2021 ) OPEN ACCESS

Angélica Cristina Castro Soares, Wilder Kleber Fernandes Santana, Richardson Lemos de Oliveira, Hermes Candido de Paula, Priscilla Duarte Soares Correa, Yuri Alexander dos Santos Rôas, Itaecio Felipe Silva, Vítor Diego de Pontes Simões, Edilane Aparecida Alves Canto, Jéssica Ribeiro da Silva, Janaina Kelly da Silva de Souza de Araújo, Allef Algemiro Gawlinski de Ávila


Childhood Obesity. Disease. Covid-19.


The present paper aimed to carry out a theoretical-analytical study of childhood obesity in Brazil, not only as an approach and its diagnostic and prevention aspects, but above all to verify its prevalence in the Covid-19 pandemic periods. In this investigative scenario, the search for scientific articles was carried out through the MEDLINE, Ovid and Scielo databases. Terms were used in our search for review articles, clinical trials, and observational studies. In view of our bibliographical study, it was possible to verify that there was a prevalence of obesity in children who remained sedentary at home and absent from any sport, considering that the dysregulation of their diet was associated with lack of locomotion and leisure. Perceived by example, we also sought directly indicated references. Our results pointed to the fact that the prevalence of childhood obesity tripled during the COVID-19 pandemic, and this should be prevented with medical and nutritional monitoring, but especially with the help of indoor measures, by parents or relatives. next.

Article Info:

Received: 25 Jun 2021; Received in revised form: 28 Jul 2021; Accepted: 05 Aug 2021; Available online: 14 Aug 2021

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  • Total View : 706
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  • Page No: 125-130
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