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Isotope systematics of subfossil, historical, and modern Nautilus macromphalus from New Caledonia

Fig 2

Map showing the sample collection location and major currents surrounding New Caledonia.

A) World map showing the location of New Caledonia in the Southwestern Pacific Ocean. B) Local map showing New Caledonia and the surrounding islands with a star indicating the location of the cenote. Water shallower than 1000 m is in light blue and approximates the habitat of N. macromphalus. around New Caledonia. All cenote specimens are from the star location of Lifou, Loyalty Islands [34]. All other specimens were collected near the large island and are recent museum specimens. Reliable accounts of the live collection of N. macromphalus are mostly known from areas close to New Caledonia, and the species is thought to have a geographic range restricted to that region [35]. Local currents are overlain for reference [36].

Fig 2
