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Habitat partitioning in Antarctic krill: Spawning hotspots and nursery areas

Fig 2

Density of sampling coverage for each krill life stage.

Natural breaks have been used for the scale division of number of stations per grid cell: note the difference in scale between life stages. Eggs, nauplii, calyptopes, and furcilia are depicted here and in the rest of this paper only for the late (January to May inclusive) part of the survey season due to lack of stations and low abundances in the early part of the season. Sampling intensity plots for combined juveniles and adults male and female density and length-frequency (LF) are shown both for the “early” (October to December inclusive) and “late” (January to May inclusive) parts of the survey season. Both the 1000m isobath (continental shelf edge; solid black line) and the Antarctic Polar Front (dashed black line) are shown.

Fig 2
