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Systemic management of malignant meningiomas: A comparative survival and molecular marker analysis between Octreotide in combination with Everolimus and Sunitinib

Fig 2

Overall survival and progression free survival for first-line Everolimus+octreotide and sunitinib (A) Kaplan–Meier curve for first line overall survival (OS).

Everolimus±octreotide and sunitinib offered a median of 36 months (95%CI 25.3–41.7) and 29.5 months (95%CI 22.5–37.5; p = 0.349), respectively. (B) Kaplan–Meier curve for first line progression free survival (PFS). Everolimus±octreotide and sunitinib offered a median of 12.1 months (95%CI 9.2–21.1) and 9.1 months (95%CI 6.8–16.8; p = 0.43), respectively.

Fig 2
