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Allergen Microarray Indicates Pooideae Sensitization in Brazilian Grass Pollen Allergic Patients

Fig 2

Comparison of the Cyn d 1 and Phl p 1-specific IgE levels in the grass pollen allergic patients.

Box plots showing the allergen-specific IgE levels determined by ISAC for Cyn d 1 and Phl p 1. Median values are indicated by a horizontal line in the boxplot, points and asterisks are suspected and complete outliers, respectively. For reasons of better legibility the y-axis stops at 85 ISU-E, thus 1 patient with higher specific IgE (Cyn d 1: outlier at 127,36 ISU-E, Phl p 1: outlier at 152,43 ISU-E) is not shown. Phl p 1-specific IgE levels are significantly higher (p<0.001; paired t-test) than Cyn d 1-specific IgE levels.

Fig 2
