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Control of Diapause by Acidic pH and Ammonium Accumulation in the Hemolymph of Antarctic Copepods

Figure 2

pH values and concentration of sodium and ammonium in seawater and hemolymph of Antarctic copepods.

pH values (mean ± standard deviation; A and B, outlying results (more than 1.5 times the interquantile distance away) are represented by open circles) and concentration of sodium and ammonium (mmol L-1; C and D; error bars reflect standard deviation) in seawater and in the hemolymph of Antarctic copepods from two different sampling periods (Feb. - April: A and C; December: B and D). Nd not determined, CIII – CV copepodite stages 3 - 5, F females. Number of replicates as in Table 1.

Figure 2
