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The Use of Genome-Wide eQTL Associations in Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines to Identify Novel Genetic Pathways Involved in Complex Traits

Figure 2

Heritability estimates and PCA of QTs.

A) Heritability estimates with 95% confidence intervals of 44 QTs ordered by clinical subgroups. Abbreviations are: bp1 = first blood pressure measurement; bp2 = second blood pressure measurement; alb cor calcium = albumin corrected calcium; ggt = gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase; bmi = body mass index; circumf = circumference; tot.fat.mass% = total fat mass (%); bmd = bone mineral density; alkalinephosph = alkalinephosphatase; crp = C-reactive protein; hdl = high-density protein cholesterol; ldl = low-density protein cholesterol B) PCA of 44 QTs. Three clusters of QTs were discriminated: fat related QTs including weight, BMI, total fat mass (g), total fat mass (%), central fat (g), central fat (%), hip circumference, waist circumference and leptin, BMD QTs including forearm, hip, femoral neck and spine BMD and a cluster with four blood pressure QTs.

Figure 2
