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The spectrum of neurological disease associated with Zika and chikungunya viruses in adults in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: A case series

Fig 2

Venn diagram for 22 patients showing virological evidence of CNS or systemic infection with Zika, chikungunya and/or dengue, and clinical presentation with CNS or peripheral nervous system disease.

We distinguish virological evidence of CNS or systemic infection (based on PCR/antibody testing) from clinical evidence of CNS or peripheral nervous system disease (based on clinical features). Patients in the inner darker circles have evidence of CNS +/- systemic infection with the respective virus. Those in the outer paler circles have evidence of only systemic infection with the respective virus. Note that patients 1 and 3 had confirmed Zika, +/- dengue; patients 2 and 7 had Zika or dengue or both.

Fig 2
