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Corynebacterium jeikeium jk0268 Constitutes for the 40 Amino Acid Long PorACj, Which Forms a Homooligomeric and Anion-Selective Cell Wall Channel

Figure 13

Dendrogram representing the phylogenetic relationships of PorA and PorH of different Corynebacterium species obtained by the neighbor-joining method.

The tree was derived from the alignments of corresponding gene sequences. The support of each branch, as determined from 1,000 bootstrap samples, is indicated by the value at each node (in percent).The software used to construct alignment and tree was MEGA5.1.The sequence was aligned by ClustalW. Parameters: Multiple Alignment: Gap Opening Penalty: 10; Gap Extension Penalty: 0.2; Protein Weight Matrix: Gonnet; Gap Separation Distance: 4; Delay Divergent Cutoff (%): 30; The phylogenetic tree of corynebacterial species was constructed using the Maximum Likelihood statistical method; Substitution Model; Substitutions Type: Amino acid; Model/Method: Jones-Taylor-Thornton (JTT) model [81].

Figure 13
