Madras Agricultural Journal
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CO(R) 49: A High Yielding Medium Duration Fine Grain Rice Variety for Tamil Nadu


                                Medium duration rice culture CB 99019, a derivative of the cross C 20 / RNR 52147 was released as CO(R) 49 during the year 2008 as an alternative variety for BPT 5204. CO (R) 49 is a semi dwarf, non lodging erect plant type which matures in 135 days. In the overall analyses of 110 yield trials conducted for six years in different locations, it recorded a mean grain yield of 6041 Kg ha -1 which was 6.5 per cent increase over BPT 5204. It is moderately resistant to stem borer, GLH, blast and RTD. It has medium slender white fine rice with an L/B ratio of 2.79 variety. Variety CO(R) 49 has superior cooking quality with intermediate amylose content (23.25%), soft gel consistency and moderate gelatinization temperature. The variety with higher yield, better pests and diseases resistance and superior cooking quality in comparison to the checks, IWP and BPT 5204 is suitable for cultivation during late samba / thaladi season in Tamil Nadu.

Key words : CO(R) 49, fine grain rice, medium duration.


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