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Quantification of chemical and mechanical bioerosion rates of six Caribbean excavating sponge species found on the coral reefs of Curaçao

Fig 1

In situ close-up of the six studied excavating sponge species.

A. Cliona amplicavata (α-stage) B. Cliona aprica (α-stage) C. Cliona caribbaea (β-stage) D. Cliona delitrix (α-stage) E. Siphonodictyon brevitubulatum (α-stage), please note that the yellow fistules of S. brevitubulatum are surrounded by a different sponge species (pink coloured) F. Suberea flavolivescens (α-stage). Black arrows in A, E and F point out oscula and ostia of the studied sponges.

Fig 1
