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Correction: The New Face of the Old Molecules: Crustin Pm4 and Transglutaminase Type I Serving as RNPs Down-Regulate Astakine-Mediated Hematopoiesis

Fig 7

Co-depletion of STG I and crustin Pm4 increases the protein level of astakine.

(A) siSTG I and siCru co-transfected hemocytes demonstrate a decrease in protein levels of STG I and crustin Pm4. (B) The proteins from siRNA transfected primary cultured hemocyte and medium were collected and extracted for Western blot of astakine expression. (C) The relative expression of astakine protein was quantified by MataMorph® v7.0 software using GAPDH as internal control (n = 7). Astakine protein expression increased after siSTG I and siCru co-transfection. Data represent mean ±SD. Symbol ‘*’ represent statistically significant difference, Duncan's multiple range test (p<0.05).

Fig 7
