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The Efficacy and Safety of Miconazole Nitrate Mucoadhesive Tablets versus Itraconazole Capsules in the Treatment of Oral Candidiasis: An Open-Label, Randomized, Multicenter Trial

Fig 1

Patient randomization and disposition.

*For safety analyses, the safety-set (SS) population was used. Safety population includes all randomized patients who take at least one dose of the study drug.

**The full-analysis set (FAS) population is a trial population that is as close as possible to the general population for which a test treatment is intended. The FAS population can include individuals who fail to comply with the treatment protocol.

*** The per-protocol population (PPS) is the subset of the FAS population that adhered to the treatment protocol, and consequently, excluding individuals who fail to comply with the treatment protocol.

Fig 1
