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Large Scale Patterns of Antimicrofouling Defenses in the Hard Coral Pocillopora verrucosa in an Environmental Gradient along the Saudi Arabian Coast of the Red Sea

Figure 1

Map of the Red Sea showing (A) the sampling sites from N to S Maq = Maqna, Waj = Al Wajh, Yan = Yanbu, Mas = Masturah, Rab = Rabigh, Jed = Jeddah, Lit = Al Lith, Dog = Doga, and Far = Farasan Islands (coordinates can be found in

Table 1) with the mean annual chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations from April 2011 to March 2012 at the surface. Chlorophyll a data are derived from satellite images of NASA, Giovanni online data system, Ocean Color Radiometry, data set: MODIS-Aqua 4 km.The superscripts behind the 3-letter site abbreviation designate the site sequence from north to south (digits) and the pollution status with “N” = non-polluted and “P” = polluted. The km values indicate the reefs distance from shore.

Figure 1
