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Improving the Degree-Day Model for Forecasting Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen) (Orthoptera: Acridoidea)

Figure 1

The mimicked temperatures in different growth chambers.

Seven locations in China modeled in this study, Baiquan (BQ), Chengde (CD), Tumotezuoqi (TM), Wenan (WA), Rongan (RA), Qiongzhong (QZ), and Qiongshan (QS). Mean temperatures were obtained from ( throughout the growing season for each location based on an estimated lower thermal threshold for development of 14.2°C for Locusta migratoria manilensis Meyen. Growth chamber temperatures in Chengde changed daily while in other locations changed every 10 d.To simulate variable environmental temperatures, we designed a variable range of ‘±5°C’ for the daily 24-h temperature change.

Figure 1
