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Molecular Evolution of Hemagglutinin (H) Gene in Measles Virus Genotypes D3, D5, D9, and H1

Figure 1

Phylogenetic tree of H gene by Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method.

The MCMC tree was based on the full nucleotide sequence of H gene (1854 nt) visualized in FigTree. The branch length reflects the evolutionary rate of individual sequences and their reconstructed ancestors. Gray bars indicate 95% confidence intervals for the estimated year. MeV strains were named according to WHO standard nomenclature. The strain names provide following information. MVi: sequence derived from RNA extracted from measles virus isolate in cell culture, MVs: sequence derived from RNA extracted from clinical material/city or province and country: use ISO-3 letter designation/date of onset of rash by epidemiological week and year, and isolate or sequence numbers/genotype in square brackets.

Figure 1
