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Variants in myelin regulatory factor (MYRF) cause autosomal dominant and syndromic nanophthalmos in humans and retinal degeneration in mice

Fig 1

Clinical features of individuals in this study.

(A-G) NNO1 family member clinical imaging. (A) Ultrasound biomicroscopy showing shallow anterior chamber and narrow angles. (B-C) Optic disc photos of the right (B) and left (C) eye showing crowded discs with vascular tortuosity. (D-E) Wide-field 200-degree Optos autofluorescence images of right (D) and left (E) showing tortuous vasculature and highlighting small area of hyperfluorescence in the left eye below the inferiotemporal arcade. (F-G) SD-OCT images of right (F) and left (G) eye showing choroidal folds in the right eye and otherwise normal foveal structure. (H-J) Sporadic nanophthalmos case clinical images. (H-I) SD-OCT of right (H) and left eye (I) eye showing mild foveal hypoplasia. (J) Bscan ultrasound showing short axial length and reduced posterior segment dimensions (line). Scale bar, 200 μm.

Fig 1
