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A Genome-Wide Association Study of Nephrolithiasis in the Japanese Population Identifies Novel Susceptible Loci at 5q35.3, 7p14.3, and 13q14.1

Figure 1

Regional association plots at rs11746443, rs1000597, and rs4142110 loci.

(a–c) Upper panel; P-values of genotyped SNPs (circle) and imputed SNPs (cross) are plotted (as −log10 P-value) against their physical position on chromosome 5 (a), 7 (b), and 13(c) (NCBI Build 36). SNPs rs11746443 on 5q35 (a), rs1000597 on 7p14 (b), and rs4142110 on 13q14 (c) are represented by purple diamonds. The genetic recombination rates estimated from 1000 Genomes samples (JPT+CHB) are shown with a blue line. SNP's color indicates LD with rs11746443 (a), rs1000597 (b), and rs4142110 (c) according to a scale from r2 = 0 to r2 = 1 based on pair-wise r2 values from HapMap JPT. Middle Panel; Gene annotations from the University of California Santa Cruz genome browser. Lower Panel; We drew the LD map based on D' values using the genotype data of the cases and controls in the GWAS samples.

Figure 1
