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Timing and Variability of Galactose Metabolic Gene Activation Depend on the Rate of Environmental Change

Fig 1

Experimentally tracking single cells during glucose depletion assays.

A) Cells were trapped within a microfluidic flow chamber and the environmental concentration of glucose was depleted as a function of time, while holding the galactose concentration constant. As glucose levels dropped, individual cells heterogeneously activated Gal1p production, and the resulting fluorescence trajectories were recorded. B) Glucose concentration as a function of time (red line). Here, the depletion time is 4 hrs. Also shown is the experimentally measured fluorescence trajectory of an individual cell to the 4 hr depletion time (green line). This cell first initiates Gal1p production and then accumulates protein (below). C) Images of yeast cells in the microfluidic device at successive events from a 4 hr glucose-depletion assay. [glu] = 2%, t = 0 (hr) indicates the beginning of glucose depletion; [glu] = 0% indicates total depletion of glucose; labels FI = 0 and 200 (AU) correspond to the times at which FI reaches these values; end of run, the end of glucose depletion assay.

Fig 1
