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Gut Microbiota Is a Key Modulator of Insulin Resistance in TLR 2 Knockout Mice

Figure 1

Metabolic parameters of TLR2 knockout (TLR2−/−) and WT mice during 16 wk.

(A) Weight gain after 16 wk. (B) Food intake after 8 and 16 wk. (C) Epididymal fat pad weight after 8 and 16 wk. (D) WT and TLR2−/− mice after 20 wk. (E) Glucose tolerance test. (F) Serum insulin concentration. (G) Glucose uptake obtained from euglycaemic hyperinsunaemic clamp. (H) Oxygen consumption and (I) respiratory exchange rate. (J) UCP-1 expression in the brown adipose tissue. Equal protein loading in the gel was confirmed by reblotting the membrane with an anti-β-actin antibody (J, lower panel). All evaluations were made with mice on standard chow. Data are presented as means ± S.E.M from six to eight mice per group from experiments that were repeated at least three times. *p<0.05 between TLR2−/− mice and their controls.

Figure 1
