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Molecular detection of SARS-CoV-2 using a reagent-free approach

Fig 1

Correlation between NA extraction-based and heat treatment-based detection of SARS-CoV-2.

A) Correlation of Ct values from NA/RT-qPCR (NA/ABI) and heat treatment/RT-qPCR (HT/Meridian Fast 1-Step). The Ct values obtained for the samples positive for SARS-CoV-2 using both methods (S6 Table) were plotted against each other. B) Comparison of Ct values in paired samples that were positive in both NA/ABI and Heat-treatment/RT-qPCR. The paired samples are individually plotted as red and blue lines if Heat-treatment/RT-qPCR Ct was earlier or later than NA/RT-qPCR, respectively. Paired t-test, t = -4.0787, df = 100, p = 0.00009.

Fig 1
