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Gene Expression Ratios Lead to Accurate and Translatable Predictors of DR5 Agonism across Multiple Tumor Lineages

Fig 1

DR5Nb1-tetra is selective with responses in multiple tumor lineages.

(A) Schematic diagram of DR5Nb1-tetra Nanobody. (B) Composition of in vitro pan-cancer screen tested for response to DR5Nb1-tetra. (C) DR5Nb1-tetra response in the CLiP, CRXX and Lab screens. Response is shown as Amax relative to IC50. Amax cut-offs for sensitive, intermediate, and insensitive classes are drawn. (D) Consistency of Amax values across the three screens. Amax values for each screen (CLIP, CRXX and Lab) are shown as a heatmap colored to represent sensitive (red), intermediate (yellow) and insensitive (blue) categories defined using the same thresholds for Amax across the three screens. Missing values are shown in gray. (E) Response rates (% sensitives) are plotted for each of the lineages (#cell lines ≥10). Lineages with significant (p<0.05 using Fisher’s exact test) enrichment are denoted by *.

Fig 1
