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A Multiscale Approach Indicates a Severe Reduction in Atlantic Forest Wetlands and Highlights that São Paulo Marsh Antwren Is on the Brink of Extinction

Fig 1

Species Distribution Model results and surveyed areas.

Green areas represent Random Forest projections of areas climatically suitable for São Paulo Marsh Antwren (Formicivora paludicola). Grey shading represents urban areas. Circles represent areas known to possess F. paludicola that were used in occupancy models. Triangles represent areas visited for the distribution model validation where the species is absent. Diamonds represent areas visited three times for occupancy models surveys where the species is absent. Stars represent new areas discovered to possess F. paludicola that were used in the occupancy models. Crosses represent areas where the species could be extinct. Some validation localities are not shown on the map.

Fig 1
