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Post-Translational Decrease in Respiratory Chain Proteins in the Polg Mutator Mouse Brain

Figure 1

Proteomic analysis of the Polg mutator mouse brain.

A) Schematic of iTRAQ labeling and LC-MS/MS experiment. A pool of the four control (3 WT/WT and 1 WT/D257A) brains was used as a reference in both LC-MS/MS runs and allowed for cross-run comparison. B) Venn diagram displaying the total number of proteins identified and quantified in each LC-MS/MS run. C) Volcano plot of the 1060 proteins quantified in both LC-MS/MS runs (n = 4 Control, n = 7 Mutator, Welch T-test p values adjusted using Benjamini-Hochberg method to control FDR). Data points are colored by membership in the Uniprot “Respiratory Chain” gene ontology group. The horizontal line shows the preset p value cutoff for statistical significance (FDR adjusted p<0.05).

Figure 1
