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Temperature Modulates Coccolithophorid Sensitivity of Growth, Photosynthesis and Calcification to Increasing Seawater pCO2

Figure 1

Physiological response of G. oceanica and E. huxleyi to increasing CO2 and temperature.

Response of growth, POC production, calcification rates and PIC:POC to increasing CO2 and temperature of G. oceanica (left, open symbols) and E. huxleyi (right, closed symbols). Horizontal bars indicate change of CO2 from beginning to end of experiment. In some cases the changes were small and thus appear absent. Shaded areas represent OA relevant ranges (∼280–1000 µatm pCO2). Note that the investigated CO2 range (x-axis) is only half as broad for experiments with G.oceanica compared to the one of E.huxleyi.

Figure 1
