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A Screen for Genes Expressed in the Olfactory Organs of Drosophila melanogaster Identifies Genes Involved in Olfactory Behaviour

Figure 1

GFP expression patterns of pGT lines in olfactory organs.

Cryostatic antennal sections were double stained with α-GFP (green) and α-ELAV (red) and then the images overlain. The GFP reporter used is mcd8:GFP which localises to membranes. For most lines expression is neuronal as indicated by co-localization of GFP and ELAV. Note that when expressed in olfactory neurons mcd8:GFP is localised to membranes of cell bodies encircling ELAV staining of the cell nucleus, and also extends into dendrites (sensillum shafts) and axons. In BG00842, BG01140 and BG02759 α-GFP labels larger cells at the base of sensilla while α-ELAV labels the neuronal nuclei located more deeply, indicating the expression of GFP is in accessory cells. In BG02184 expression is seen in both neurons and accessory cells. Examples of cells showing GFP fluorescence but negative for ELAV are indicated with arrows. These sections are representative of 10–20 examined for each line.

Figure 1
